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Künstler A-Z
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Christopher LOGAN Text Deutsch/Englisch Biografie Ausstellungen
Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen
2019 bis 2020 "LINKING COLOURS"
mit R. Kügler, P. Petitpierre, Ch. Simmonds, G. Stahl und B. Schultze
ZELLERMAYER Galerie, Berlin, D

2018 "ZYKLOPISCH", ZELLERMAYER Galerie Berlin, Germany,
"Hommage an den Surrealismus", ZELLERMAYER Galerie, Berlin, D

2017 "30 Shades Of Black", ZELLERMAYER Galerie, Berlin, Germany,
"Inter-Akt-Ionen", ZELLERMAYER Galerie, Berlin, D

2016 ZELLERMAYER Galerie, "Manifestations of Metamorphic Vibrations", Berlin, Germany, EA
2015 Artist-In-Residence, J Rêve International, Give1Arts Exhibiton- Dakar, Senegal GS
2014 Rochester Rebellion's 50th Anniversary, J Rêve International, Rochester, NY, EA
2013 "Menagerie Season" , Wild Wood Gallery & Store, Kassel, Germany, EA
"Suppressive Exaggeration" (two-artist show), Open Walls, GS
"Pop-Up Gallery Goes USA!", Pop-Up Gallery, Berlin, GS

2012 ReKOLLEKT: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, GS
"Face Frames", Sameheads Gallery, Berlin, GS

2011 Boom Bar, PDF (People Do Fun) Event/Exhibition, Szczecin, Poland, EA
Cute Klub - PDF (People Do Fun) Event/Exhbition, Poznan, Poland , EA
"BROKE-the state of urban art as contemporarynow", Schau Fenster Gallery, Berlin, GS

2010 "Figures Secure", Arthotel Connection, Berlin, Germany, EA
Solaris Project: "Memory", Berlin, Germany, GS
Project:"Showtime" (European Traveling Exhibition), GS

2009 White Cube Loft (No More Less Exhibition/Event), Berlin, Germany, GS
Stroke.01 Urban Arts Festival, Munich, Germany, GS
Emotional Translation, BG KaySalon, Berlin, Germany

2008 Loganic Showcase, Ibo's Music Lounge, Berlin, Germany, EA
My Roots, My Dreams, My Life, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Berlin, Germany, GS

2007 Brooklyn To Berlin Bash, Smooch Café, Brooklyn, NY, EA
MixShow Series Showcase, Club Sputnik, Brooklyn, NY, EA

2006 Loganic Playhouse Artist Showcase, Open House, Brooklyn, NY, EA
"Where The Spirits Reside", Fillmore Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, EA

2005 Frequency Show (Musical Interpretation), 7 Soundscapists), Studio Museum In Harlem, NY , GS
2004 "Night of the Gifted Magi", Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY, EA
Retrospective (Two Artist Show), James Sewell Studios, Williams burg, Brooklyn, NY, GS
36 Studio Inaugural Exhibition, 3636 Studio, Long Island City, NY, GS

2003 4W Circle of Art & Enterprise Gallery Space (Oct/Nov), Brooklyn, NY, EA
Ibo Landing Gallery Space (a rotation of 12 paintings throughout July/August), Brooklyn, NY, GS
17th Annual Cultural Event, Stepstone Gallery; Brooklyn, NY , GS

2002 Ile Achad Omo Arts Festival, Lafayette Park; Brooklyn, NY, GS
Gary Simmons (Musical Interpretation), 3 Soundscapists), Studio Museum In Harlem, NY , GS
16th Annual Cultural Event , Stepstone Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, GS

2001 Kaleidoscope (a one-night exhibition in a BedStuy brownstone), Brooklyn, NY, GS
2000 National Black Fine Arts Festival, Savacou Gallery, New York, NY, GS
1999 13th Annual Cultural Event, Stepstone Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, GS
National Black Fine Arts Festival - Savacou Gallery, New York, NY, GS

1998 "Countenances of the Somber Divine", Satta Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, EA
1997 "The Apartment" (Cinque Northern Film) New York University, NY, EA
Washington Square Gallery, New York University, New York, NY, GS

1995 Macon Historic District Exhibition (Illustrations of historic landmarks), Macon Hay House; GA, EA
1994 African American History in Middle Georgia (illustrations), Channel 13; Macon, GA, EA
1993 "Emotionalism", Mercer University; Macon, GA, EA

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© ZELLERMAYER Galerie.Ludwigkirchstrasse 6.D-10719 Berlin.Fon (+49) 030 / 883 41 44.Fax  (+49) 030 / 883 73 16.http://www.zellermayer.de